the b.s.c. group — building a better tomorrow 恒威集团齐创美好明天<br><br>b.s.c. building materials (panyu) limited is a subsidiary company of b.s.c. (building supplies company) group of companies, the famous hong kong building supplies company.<br>b.s.c. group was founded in 1970. over thirty years of dedication, development and expansion have seen the group forge an enviable reputation in mainland china, hong kong, macau and the asia pacific region. b.s.c. is now the region’s leading interior contractor, retailer of upscale bathroom and kitchen products, as well as supplier of building materials and hotel and office supplies. b.s.c.’s mainland china headquarters is located in panyu, guangzhou with square-metre wood-work & metal- work pro-fabrication factory, glass mosaic manufacturing plant, and export trading company. b.s.c. china trade limited has made b.s.c become the mainland’s leading supplier of imported building materials, with a solid distribution network spanning the country.<br>b.s.c. ‘s direction remains as always – committed to change and innovation and shall continue to invest in ‘people’, in senior management as well as in the younger generation who demonstrate ability, energy and stamina. if you have a passion to take on challenges and to win, we would like to hear from you. you can learn more about b.s.c. at www.bschk.com; www.colourliving.com. a competitive remuneration package and space for development will be offered to successful candidates.<br><br>恒威建材(番禺)有限公司为香港恒威集团在广州番禺的分公司.<br>香港恒威集团为香港著名的之建筑材料供应公司, 集团发展三十余年, 已成为誉满中国内地、港澳地区及亚太区的室内装饰工程承建商、高级浴室厨房设备零售商和建筑器材及酒店办公室设备供应商的多元化的集团公司。 集团在广州番禺设立的中国总部,建筑面积达一万五千多平方米,业务涉及高档装修之多个领域,专业生产高档酒店,楼寓精装修所需之金属制件及木质散家具,提供高档卫生洁具,五金件供应等。 <br>其中有生产木质及金属预制配件的工厂恒威建材(番禺)有限公司,以及主营淋浴房,蒸汽房出口业务的 – 恒威工业有限公司,生产玻璃马赛克的工厂 – 番禺嘉威玻璃有限公司。恒威中国内陆部的恒威中贸有限公司,以其在北京,上海,大连,广州设立的分公司,成为内地首要的优质进口建材供应商,不断扩展其巩固的内地销售网络。<br>恒威集团秉承多年来的经营方针政策 — 目光远大和不断创新求变。更不断在人力资源上作重大的投资,致力培训具潜质和干劲的优秀员工。 如果您热爱挑战, 具有强烈的事业心,请与我们联系。您可以通过http://www.bschk.com; http://www.colourliving.com 进一步了解香港恒威集团。 我们将为成功的应征者提供优厚的薪资待遇和发展空间。<br><br>联系方式<br>联 系 人:人力资源部 谢小姐 <br>通讯地址: 广州番禺石楼镇官桥工业区嘉威玻璃有限公司(写字楼二楼) (邮政编码:)<br><br>乘车指南<br>1)乘地铁4号线至石萁站,然后转乘莲花山方向的公交车在石楼牌坊站下车,转化龙至莲花山公交车往化龙方向(1元车票)在官桥站下即到。或在石楼站搭3元摩托车到官桥嘉威公司<br><br>2)从广州搭车至番禺汽车站,然后转乘莲花山方向的公交车在石楼牌坊站下车,转化龙至莲花山公交车往化龙方向(1元车票)在官桥站下即到。或在石楼站搭3元摩托车到官桥嘉威公司